Custom Website OR Template Website

This is an important factor that comes to the mind of business owners after they decide to have a website or have a redesign.

So let us discuss what to choose between both of it


Who should go with a template website ?


  1. You need your website up and running in a short period of time. (3-4 weeks)
  2. You have a limited budget.
  3. Your website will be simple and normal ones (Ex:- eCommerce, portfolio, blogs, )
  4. You do not have any idea about coding
  5. Themes can be edited and can be transformed completely according to your brand.



Who should go with a Custom Web Design?


  1. You are having ample time for the creation of the website (6-8 months ideally)
  2. You do not have a limited budget (normal custom websites costs around $15000 – $30000)
  3. You need a design completely out of the books.
  4. Your site will have complex features (Ex:- Billing system, Stock Management System, and other features)
  5. You need an all in one website (which has all your systems in one place)



Example for better understanding:-

Take an example of a car. 

A family of 3 buys a car according to their requirements (space, comfort, and other factors)

A small hatchback car or a sedan will work for them.

This may cost a few thousand dollars.




A family of 10 buys a car according to their needs.

The family of 10 will require maybe an SUV with great space and comfort.

This will cost waaayyyy more than a couple thousand dollars.

Both of it is a different story.

It completely depends upon your requirements, budget, time and the complexity of the website.




So what did you choose for your business?

Let me know in the comments section.

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Picture of Husain Dhamangamwala
Husain Dhamangamwala

I help entreprenuers to showcase their presence online and scale it to a different level.

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